The only thing better than getting to eat the sweet creations I bake up, is hearing from my readers, I feel so humbled and blessed when I read your kind words. Yesterday Shari from The Saucy Gourmet nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award. Just last week I had the sweetest comment from Tara of The Butter Dish, it truly was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about my little blog. I still call it little, despite the growing following (I adore and appreciate all those who read) and the many visitors via foodgawker. My photos are by no means perfect, but I’m trying and I feel I’m getting better. So I guess I just wanted to say thank you to all of you out there who stop by and follow along with me each post, you inspire me, motivate me and keep me dreaming of chocolate.
If you are unfamiliar with how the award works, here are the rules:
Link back to whoever nominated you.
Write 11 random facts about yourself.
Nominate 11 bloggers.
We’re all a little random –
• I love gummy candy
• I hate the smell of cantaloupe
• I like painted toes, not painted nails
• I hate lemon water
• I grew up with out A/C
• My favorite Disney movie is Sleeping Beauty
• I dream of inventing chocolate flavored gum
• I sometimes wish I lived during the 1950’s
• I love lemonade
• I hate house hunting
• I still use the old saucepan my grandmother gave me in college
My Nominations:
thanks for the lovely nomination sweetie 🙂
very kind
Betty Bake x
You deserve it!
Congratulation with your award 😀
Thanks Zoe!